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Likewise, you will be able to understand and use the highest frequency vocabulary of personal relevance, basic personal and family information, shopping, local area, employment.
You will be able to write compositions or reports and give reasons in support of or against a particular viewpoint. You will be able to write letter emphasizing the personal relevance of certain events and past experiences.
You will have the necessary skills to understand extended speech even when it’s not clearly structured or signaled explicitly. You can understand and follow tv programs easily, long and complex literary texts, specialized articles and longer technical instructions even if they do not relate to your field of interest.
You will be able to give presentations and detailed descriptions of complex subjects clearly, write well-structured texts, and express points of view at some length.
You won’t have any difficulty in understanding any kind of spoken language, even when delivered at fast speed by native speakers.
You will be able to read all forms of the written language easily, including abstract and complex texts such as manuals, specialized articles, and literary works.
You can participate in any conversation effortlessly and be familiar with idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms. You can express yourself fluently and restructure utterances so that other people are hardly aware of a problem.
You can write clearly in an appropriate style such as complex letters, reports or articles and present a case with a logical structure. You will be able to write summaries and reviews of professional or literary works.